Thinking Cap # 19 - The Question: Homosexuality.
Go to most any large city in the country and you have a Metropolitan Church or some
other named church that caters to the Homosexual "Christian" audience. Look at
any main-stream protestant religion as well at the Episcopalians and several Baptist
associations and you can find those who officially sanction homosexual marriages and
homosexual clergy. How can so many be wrong. Or, perhaps they are not wrong. Just what
does the Bible have to say on the topic of Homosexuality? Would you allow one to join your
church? Be your pastor?
It is just my opinion, but I feel we must deal with this 'lifestyle' in an objective
rather than emotional fashion. What does the Bible have to say?
- Homosexuality is a sin. As a matter of fact it is "bad" sin (see Thinking Cap
#8 on the World Wide Web site [] for a review of
the concept that there are degrees of sin in God's eyes). It is called an
"abomination" and a "vile affection." (Lev. 18:22 and Rom. 1:26-27).
- The Bible says that those who engage in homosexual behavior can not go to heaven (1 Cor.
6:9). Or at least that's what I take the "kingdom of God" to mean (stay tuned
for Thinking Cap #24 for a more detailed analysis of this concept). I realize that it is
just one sin of many listed in that verse and that any of them, once confessed and put
under the blood can be forgiven. Such a person will be saved. But, it does not give much
credence to homosexuality as an accepted "alternate" lifestyle.
- The Bible also comments on those who seek profit by catering to the homosexual. This
would include bars (forgetting what the Bible teaches on alcoholic beverages - see
Thinking Cap #3), dining establishments, beaches, tourist locations (South Beach, San
Francisco, Providence, Key West, ...). Prov. 13:11 and Prov. 10:21 tells us that wealth
gotten by vanity shall be diminished. Ezra 9:14 warns us against joining in with people of
abominations. The story of Gehazi in 2 Kings 5:20-27 tells of a man who saw a perfect
opportunity to become rich by selfish means. His personal gain was more important to him
than serving God.
- It would also be unwise to forget the lesson of Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen. 18 & 19
wherein homosexuality was rampant.
- However, homosexuality, like other sins can be forgiven and the person restored. It
would be wrong for us to treat them in such a way as to drive them away from Christ,
rather than love them to Christ (Gal. 6:1-2). Christians are usually very good at
identifying sin and ostracizing those who are partakers (especially if it is a sin over
which you have victory), but are not that good at loving the sinner back to a proper
relationship with Christ.
Pleasant Thinking,
Kent Haralson
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