Examination Standards

Examination Structure

Belt rank examinations are conducted at the local school for the Kyu ranks and usually at regional clinics for black belt ranks. (In special circumstances, due to location and/or distance other arrangements can be made through GMAU headquarters). The basic examination structure is the same for both Kyu and black belt examinations:

  1. The candidates for rank promotion line up in order of rank and the highest ranking instructor leads in prayer, just as in a regular class.
  2. After the introduction of the black belt examiners and any opening remarks, the students are asked to be seated at the rear of the examination area. The students will then be called to demonstrate the requirements for their rank (individually or in small groups).
  3. The students will be tested either in order of rank from lowest to highest, or with all rank levels examined simulataneously. The lower ranking kyu students are usually dismissed before the upper levels are done testing. However, schools are free to examine students in which ever order the examiner considers appropriate.
  4. At the end of each examination session, students line up in order of rank. The chair of the examination board gives any closing remarks and the candidates are dismissed.

Kyu Certification Procedures

  • The candidate must be a member of a GMAU charter school.
  • The candidate must have been duly examined and have met the requirements of the GMAU and the Ryu Soke.
  • The GMAU will supply the examiner with signed and stamped certificates in advance. The examiner will sign and date the certificate, and issue the certification to the student.

Black Belt Certification Procedures

  • The candidate must be, or become, a member of the GMAU.
  • The candidate must have been duly examined and have met the requirements of the GMAU and the Ryu Soke.
  • For Provisional I Degree to V Degree, an examination form with the candidate's personal information and promotion status, the date of the examination, the examiner's signature, and the certification fee must be sent to GMAU headquarters for each successful candidate. GMAU headquarters will review the forms and issue certification.
  • For the positional black belt ranks, the recommendation and certification of a candidate is the personal responsibility of the president of the GMAU.

The Examiner Standard

  • Belt rank examinations are usually conducted by a board of black belt examiners, certified by the GMAU. However, color belt examinations are often conducted by only one black belt examiner.
  • Guest black belt examiners, even from other organizations, are often invited to a testing, giving a more objective observation of students' performance.
  • There must be a least one examiner on the examination board that is certified in the same Ryu as the candidate. This is to ensure that the Ryu requirements are properly evaluated.
  • The examination for a V Degree black belt candidate must be done in the presence of the GMAU president or chairman of the board.
  • The certification required of the examiners varies according to the belt rank being examined. The following chart indicates the certification requirements of the examiners for each belt rank level.


Rank Examination: Examiner's Belt Rank: Examiner's Instructional Rank:  
Kyu Ranks I Degree Black Belt Assistant Dojo Sensei/Sifu
Provisional I Degree II Degree Black Belt Dojo Sensei/Sifu
I Degree III Degree Black Belt Senior Dojo Sensei
II Degree IV Degree Black Belt Master Instructor
III Degree V Degree Black Belt Master Instructor
IV Degree VI Degree Black Belt Master Instructor
V Degree VII Degree Black Belt Master Instructor

Instructor Certification Procedures

  • The candidate must be or become a member of the GMAU.
  • The candidate must have met the requirements of the desired instructor level.
  • The candidate sends the instructor application form, the appropriate written exam, the certification fee, and any additionally required information to the GMAU headquarters.
  • GMAU headquarters evaluates the application, and if the candidate is successful, issues certification.


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