Ryu Recognition and International Style Certification

This document provides the Gospel Martial Arts Union (GMAU) objectives, definitions, requirements, process and privileges for the creation of a new martial arts style/system. It has been designed and sanctioned by the GMAU to enable Christian martial artists to develop an eclectic style/system of the martial arts in an environment free from eastern mysticism and yet provide a degree of accountability and propriety so that the cause of Christ will not be harmed.

Why certify and be recognized by the GMAU?

As a premier theologically conservative Christian martial arts group, the GMAU is an international organization with membership in 48 states and 16 foreign countries. The GMAU Board of Governors are men who possess well over 200 years of collective martial arts training. This, combined with their comprehensive Christian ministry experience (most are ordained pastors), makes them uniquely qualified to certify individuals who seek to have their Christian-based martial arts style/system recognized and properly sanctioned.

Is there a formal ceremony for receiving official GMAU Ryu Recognition?

You may be surprised to learn how many so-called “sanctioning bodies” are nothing more than a post office box or small office. Certification from such an “organization” is not worth the paper it is printed on. THE GMAU DIFFERENCE: The Chairman of the Board formally presents official GMAU Ryu Recognition/Certifications one time per year during the GMAU Headquarters (GMAU HQ) National Conference Awards Banquet & Ceremony. International headquarters for the GMAU is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. GMAU HQ is the largest Christian martial arts ministry center in the world with more than 20,000 square feet of educational training and conference space. GMAU HQ also houses the GMAU Leadership Institute, which trains ministry directors and coaches for the 16 GMAU Academies located in central Indiana.

To receive a Ryu Recognition Application form, you must be a GMAU member in good standing, have earned a GMAU instructor certificate, and have operated a GMAU chartered school for no less than two years. Qualified individuals are encouraged to contact the GMAU Executive Director for an application form.



  • To allow for the recognition of a unique system or style of the martial arts

  • To identify requirements for the certification of a new ryu

  • To provide Christian certification for those seeking a level of authentication with or without the sanction of secular recognition

Generic Definition

The Japanese word ryu and the Korean word kwan each represent the concept of a “school” or “style” of martial art. Historically, noble Samurai created most of the ryu. Each professor or master had his own style and transmitted the secrets of the style to his chosen disciples. Some masters taught only technique, but others added to this his own philosophy or religion of life. The term has come to represent a unique system or style of a martial art. For the purpose of this procedure, it will represent a system of the martial arts incorporating a distinct manner of physical technique, mental/academic understanding and knowledge, and Christian spiritual maturity entities in such a way that it is unique from any existing ryu.

Requirements For Recognition

Ryu Definition

The applicant must provide a description of his ryu, which will include the following information:

  • Background and history of the ryu and its creation. Include lineage, photos, etc., to verify accuracy.
  • The philosophy of the ryu—this would not only explain the philosophy of student development and spiritual distinctiveness, but also the philosophy of dealing with physical confrontations. Aspects of physical, mental, and spiritual training should be included.
  • The techniques of the ryu—include all technical requirements within each rank level from kyu (under black belt) through yudansha (black belt or equiv.) levels.

Ranking in the Ryu

The applicant must submit a document identifying the requirements for ranking students in the ryu.

  • This will cover white through fifth degree black belt levels.
  • It must demonstration physical technique, mental knowledge and Christian spiritual maturity growth at each belt level.

Kai Description

Historically, the kai was an organization put into place to operate a ryu. The ryu merely identifies the “technique/philosophy.” The kai would be the mechanics to allow for a multitude of students and schools (kan) around the world to be learning that ryu. The applicant must submit a document that provides the following information:

  • Identify the mechanics of the operation of the system.
  • Describe the organization of officers/instructors/students.
  • Explain how certificates would be issued and registered.
  • Explain the requirements and process for instructor certification.
  • Describe the process and requirements for school chartering.
  • Identify the rules of succession for filling personal vacancies in the leadership roles of the ryu.

Soke is the title given to the founder of a ryu. It is the person who is the head master of the style and responsible for the technique to be taught by students of the style. The applicant must submit a document that provides the following information:

  • Identify the personal experience of the soke in the martial arts.
  • Submit a portfolio of his personal ranking (a soke must be ranked at a level of at least a 5th degree black belt that is recognized by the GMAU).
  • Applicant's age—a soke must be at least 45 years of age to provide for a certain degree of maturity.
  • Church membership—a letter from the pastor of the church should be submitted indicating that the soke is a member in good standing of a theologically conservative church.
  • Letters of recommendation—a minimum of 10 letters of recommendation should be supplied attesting to the character and integrity of the applicant. These must come from pastors, employers, elders, deacons, and martial artists who hold a rank of third-degree black belt or better. An additional 10 letters of recommendation should be supplied from martial arts students who have trained under the guidance of the applicant for no less than three years.


It is important that the new ryu be a practical one. As a result it should have been “tried” in the laboratory of a local school for at least two years. The applicant is to submit a portfolio of pictures, articles and records to show the operation of the ryu in such a setting.


The applicant is to submit the following items in a three ring binder with label dividers between each section and a title page on the front.

  • Application form with a $150 processing fee. To receive a Ryu Recognition Application form, you must be a GMAU member in good standing, have earned a GMAU instructor certificate, and have operated a GMAU chartered school for no less than two years. Qualified individuals are encouraged to contact the GMAU Executive Director at: jrrussel@indiana.edu for an application form.
  • An officially sanctioned ryu, while approved by the GMAU, remains an independent entity. Therefore, a signed and notarized waiver form absolving the GMAU and its officers from any liability incurred during the operation of the schools of the ryu is required.
  • All requested items from the Requirements for Recognition section above.

The application materials will be reviewed by at least two Board members of the GMAU, plus the Chairman and the Executive Director. Unanimous Board approval of the new ryu is required.

Upon Board sanction and GMAU HQ authority:

  • The soke will be issued papers of recognition for his ryu and his own sokeship.
  • The soke will be granted independent operation of the ryu.
  • The soke can have his recognition revoked for a breech of character and/or integrity by a majority vote of the GMAU Board of Governors.
  • The soke will maintain GMAU affiliation through membership, school charters, and instructor certification.
  • The soke will be eligible for continued rank advancement/recognition through the GMAU Kyoshi Kai for Yudansha levels of 6th degree, 7th degree, 8th degree, and 9th degree black belt.


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