can advance
in rank within the GMAU's eight certified martial arts styles. Our Style
Review Boards are comprised of master-level instructors that are highly
respected in the field. No longer will you be forced to submit yourself
to a secular review boards to advance to higher levels of black belt.
Instructor Certification and Titles—Though the
GMAU instructor certification process is very demanding, many members
receive instructor certification and titles each year ranging from Assistant
Dojo Instructor to Master Instructor.
Directory—Certified Instructors within the GMAU
are given the opportunity to have his/her name, e-mail, and dojo/ministry
website information linked from the GMAU site.
Electronic Publications—You
can receive electronic copies of several GMAU publications at a reduced
rate. No more waiting
for the
can advertise in the GMAU Journal at a greatly reduced "members only" price.
Our advertisers are also invited
to vend
their goods at our annual
national conference at the GMAU Headquarters.
you written material that you feel may benefit other Christian martial
artists? Submit your transcript to
the GMAU for publication as a booklet or GMAU Journal feature article.
School Charter—You can charter your dojo/ministry
as an official GMAU school. A Charter provides the instructor the opportunity
to award GMAU rank to his/her students. Chartered schools are also listed
on the GMAU website with complete contact information for official referrals
and potential students in your area.
Style Sanction/Ryu Recognition—Official and internationally
sanctioned "Ryu" recognition is available to GMAU instructors who have
developed an eclectic system of the martial arts. Free at last from the
chains and politics of secular martial arts governing bodies, your style
will finally be able to receive the recognition and distinction you have
worked so hard to earn.