West Palm Beach, FL - Sixty-four participants gatheredfor this successful and enriching regional clinic, including seventeenblack belts from Mississippi, Minnesota, Alabama, Maine and Florida.The clinic was hosted by the Gospel Karate Team under the directionof Dr. Kent Haralson. Three new students (see "Recent Promotions"elsewhere in this issue of the Journal) were awarded their provisionalblack belts following the six and one-half hour examination periodthat led into the formal clinic weekend. There were over thirtyclinic topics to chose from and we had parallel tracks for instructorsand students. Participants had the opportunity to study undersoft and hard stylists throughout the weekend and also had ampleopportunity for hands-on experience with several instructors.Each evening, most of the instructors had the chance to fellowshipand share at one of the local restaurants as guests of the conferencehost. There was a "kindred-spirit" present at this clinicunlike any we have ever seen. The desire of all the black beltswas to learn and see Christ exalted through the martial arts.This enabled the instructors to teach with great liberty. Theweekend culminated with a banquet attended by 124 people, a demonstrationof skills and a variety of awards.
The Spirit of Bushido Trophies (presented to those who demonstratedthe physical, mental and spiritual balance necessary in the lifeof a Christian martial artist) were awarded to:
Certificates of accomplishment were presented to four studentsfor demonstration of the character traits of Diligence (ThanhVan), Fighting Spirit (Wade Jones), Etiquette (Orville Osbourne)and Determination (Dougie Woods).
For those looking to share in the experience of one of these clinics,mark your calendar for March 1 & 2, 1996 when West Palm Beachwill host their 9th Annual clinic.
Some of us have trained in the Martial Arts for most of our lives,some for a few years. We train for many reasons, but as a ChristianMartial Artist, I pray I will never need to use what I have learnedto injure or kill another person. But if the need arises, we allknow we could defend ourselves or our family. Or could we? Wehave trained for years. We have broken boards, blocks and spenthours on technique. We have arrived at the Black Belt level andperhaps moved into the second, third or higher Black Belt level.What would happen if you or I had to defend ourselves or anotherin a life-or-death situation?
If you drive an automobile, you have probably had the experienceof cruising down the highway, minding your own business, "listeningto the tunes," or thinking of the past or possible futureexperiences in your life. Life is good .. and you haven't a care.You look up to the car in front just in time to see the biggestbrake lights in the world; the vehicle in front is stopping soquick it is standing up on the front wheels. You slam on yourbrakes and focus entirely on the impending crash. You stoppedinches from the car in front, avoiding the crash. "Great!",you say. You can't think; your heart is pounding, you may feelsick, your hands may be shaking. You are so upset you pull offthe road and sit there for a few minutes until all your systemssettle back down. Ever happen to you? It has to me.
Have you ever read about police shooting it out with the bad guy,firing a ton of lead and no one getting hit or seriously wounded?A couple of months ago, a local police officer answered a callregarding someone trying to steal a car. It was late at night,in a lighted parking lot. As the officer approached the car inquestion, a man in the car, attempting to steal it, opened fireand shot five rounds. The officer responded with fire of his own.Both were very close to their targets; neither was hit.
On December 3rd, 1994 in the Washington Heights section of theBronx, New York, in a city and state where firearms are illegalto own, let alone carry, three policemen came upon a robbery inprogress. The perpetrator was armed with a 45-caliber pistol.There was a running gunfight for two blocks. The perpetrator firednine times at the officer; no hits. The officers fired 48 shotsat the robber; 30 by one officer. Of 48 shots the perpetratorwas slightly wounded in the hand and leg. Neither wound was serious.The perpetrator would try to commandeer a taxi and when the driverresisted, he would shoot the driver seriously at point blank range.How could police fire 48 times at distances under 30 feet andmiss? Police must qualify and train not only in the beginningof their careers but also on an ongoing basis.
How can they miss?
In the past 100 years police have improved their weapons, trainingand tactics, but the "ability of police to hit opponentsin gunfights appears to have improved little over the past 100years". Perhaps there are biological limits. The AmericanJournal states "biology sets the absolute limit for performance.These biological limits define what is possible in combat handgunshooting." Does this pertain to the Martial Artist? Let meadd some icing on the cake:
1. Only one of every four shots fired actually hits the bad guy(somewhere)
2. Only shots to the center of mass start to get his attention
3. The majority of shootings will take place well within 21 feet
4. Police shooting it out with the bad guys is not new business
Have you ever listened to the cockpit recorder of a crashed airlineron the evening news? Usually, there are shouts of "Oh, myGod" or the like, and then silence. You may say, "butthe pilot is too busy trying to save the plane to talk."Perhaps something else is happening. On September 8, 1994 U.S.Air Flight #427 crashed near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. There were23 seconds from the time an emergency was declared until the planecrashed. The last 21 seconds of the recorder was silent; 21 secondsof no sound. What was happening?
Perhaps we can shed some light on what was probably happening."Ninety percent of aeronautical accidents are attributedto pilot error... Psychologists feel pilot anxiety causes inactionin emergency situations." The psychologist adds that pilotstend to fixate on inappropriate action or objects in emergencysituations.
So, what do police shootings, pilots freezing up, a near crashin our own automobile and the Martial Artist have in common? Thereis a physical, biological reaction to life-threatening situations.It is a predictable and uncontrollable physiological responsewhich will occur regardless of physical condition or training,if we are surprised and realize our life is in danger.
We can see this response even in less threatening settings. Forexample, the basketball player who needs the free throw to winthe big game. He makes the free throw a thousand times and missesthe one needed to win. Say it doesn't happen, ask Donyell Marshallof the University of Connecticut about the NCAA basketball tournamentgame last season. In the jargon of sports, he "choked".He became "unglued under pressure".
So what causes us to freeze up, to choke, to forget our yearsof training? If we are surprised and feel our life is in danger,there is a physical response out of our control. Our body takesover and we suffer the results.
Some or all the following begins to happen with the body alarmreaction:
A. Diminished Visual Capacity
B. Saliva production falls
C. Heart rate increases rapidly (at 145 beats per minute tunnelvision will occur)
D. Blood pressure increases precipitously
E. Concentration seems enhanced or dreamlike
F. Breathing alters, panting (causes hyper- ventilation)
G. Dizziness
H. Numbness of extremities
I. Fainting
J. Flushes or chills
K. Nausea
L. Chest pains
M. Adrenaline (epinephrine) released:
If you displayed these symptoms in a hospital, they might begintreating you for a heart attack.
This "survival instinct", assuming you don't faint orfreeze first, creates such extreme concentration that you willbe unaware of other dangers on your flank. You won't even be ableto hear shouts from someone standing beside you. It is no wonderpilots can freeze up or police miss their targets.
The bottom line is: Surprise (sudden realization of threat) =accelerated heartbeat = decreased motor skill capability and diminishedvisual capacity = conditions that make effective action impossible,in a situation where the enemy is both agile, mobile and hostile.
Surprise plus fear = inactivity or ineffective response.
If you can break the fear and surprise, then it makes sense thatwe can change the outcome. But remember, once the body reactionis well under way, it is nearly impossible to stop the freighttrain.
As a Christian, I am compelled to address the issue of fear. Ifa person has no fear, they are dangerous to the enemy for theyare not afraid of death or anything else. If we can conquer ourfear of death, what else can we be afraid of in our life?
The first step in conquering the fear of death is to accept whatJesus Christ has already accomplished on our behalf. We are allsinners, "For all have sinned and come short of the gloryof God" Romans 3:23. The result of that sin is death, "Forthe wages of sin is death", Romans 6:23. But the way outof death is to accept that Christ died for us "in that whilewe were yet sinners, Christ died for us", Romans 5:8. ThatJesus took our place is pivotal in understanding and conqueringfear. Romans 5:18 states it much clearer than I could. It states"so then as through one transgression there resulted condemnationto all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resultedjustification of life to all men". You must accept what Christhas done for you; you must have a personal relationship with Him.You must ask forgiveness of your sin and ask Him to take overyour life (Revelation 3:20, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 10:13.
Incapacitating fear doesn't come from God, but He gives us power,love and discipline. If your savior is Jesus, then you have masteredyour fear of death, but it must be a daily working mastery offear based upon a relationship with the King of Kings and Lordof the universe. Then you can say, feel and know that "perishablewill have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have puton immortality, then will come about the saying that is written,'Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your victory?O Death, where is your sting?'" I Corinthians 15:55-56.
The Marine Corps in World War II during the Pacific Campaign,designated five levels of danger. A Marine officer named JeffCooper would streamline the codes down to four. I propose theMartial Artist can adopt the levels of danger to three:
Condition Green: Level one - no perception of danger. Oneis unprepared, unwatching, not on guard. This is where most ofus spend nearly all of our time. Life is good; no threats, wedrive ours cars, go to church, shop, visit one another, neverknowing or watching for danger. Attacked in Condition Green, andwe will probably be annihilated.
Condition Yellow: Level two - total awareness. Asked yourlocation, who is behind you, to your flanks, you could answerwithout looking. You are alert, on guard, watching, listening,observant of your surroundings.
Condition Red: Level three - you have encountered a dangerousperson or situation. A verbal challenge is in order; someone istrying to harm you or someone else. The situation warrants a response.
We train as Martial Artists for years and perhaps our entire life.We may be in condition green all our life. There is a chance youwill never find yourself in condition red. And, if you do so,it will probably be very short in duration and will happen onceor maybe twice in your entire life.
Maybe we need to re-think our attitude towards ourselves and ourenvironment. If we spent more time in condition yellow, less ingreen, then we could minimize the red or eliminate it altogether.If you know a threat is coming, can we not avoid it or stop thethreat short of life and death?
I submit to you, the reader, that we all spend the majority ofour life in condition green, when the majority should be in yellow.Does the Bible tell us anything about condition yellow? Does ittell us to watch and be alert? In Judges 7 Gideon is chosen byGod to deliver Israel from the enemy. Chapter 7:3, the fearfulare sent home. The fear factor is dealt with first. Of 32,000men 22,000 left for home, afraid and trembling. In verses 5, 6and 7 of the same chapter, Gideon has the men separated again.This time by the manner by which they drink water. The largergroup got down to drink, and in the process were not watchingor on the alert. The smaller group of 300 men brought the waterto their mouths lapping like a dog. They were alert, watching,waiting for the enemy, weapons in hand. Three hundred of 32,000men made the final cut.
In the book of Nehemiah chapter 4, the Jews were attempting torebuild the wall. The enemies were conspiring to come and destroythem. The workmen prayed, they carried their weapons while theyworked, they watched, they were alert and were victorious. "Sowe carried on the work half of them holding spears...each worehis sword...each took his weapons to the water".
In the New Testament the following verses attest to the alertnesswe should
There are some practical steps to use in condition yellow, anyof which will alert you to condition red. A partial list of thesewould be:
1. Any unnatural impediment to your movement (on foot or in acar)
2. Correlation of someone's movement to your own
3. Any sudden change of a person's status
4. Predatory movements, i.e. circling
5. Verbal exchange initiated by a stranger
6. Glancing between strangers at you
7. Person closing on you from oblique angles
8. A hidden hand
9. Bumps, shoves, push or grab
10. Relative absence of other people
Some would say there are no victims, but volunteers. I don't wishthe reader to be a victim or a volunteer. We don't have to besurprised. We can control our actions. We can avoid the frightsyndrome and have the warrior's awareness.
Guns& Ammo, March 1995
Stressfire, M. Ayoob, Police Bookshelf
Guns & Ammo, December 1994
Combat Handguns, March 1995
Public Health Reports, Jan-Feb 1992, Vol. 107 #1
Men's Health, September 1994
New York Times, 12/4/94
Aviation Week and Space Technology, September 1994
Business and Commercial Aviation, February 1992
Holy Bible, New American Standard Version
About the Author: Larry Phillips has been in the martialarts for nearly seven years and is a first-degree black belt inthe Seigi Bushido Ryu system residing in Wellington, Florida.He is the assistant instructor in his local dojo and he also leadsan outreach demonstration team for his school. He is the managerof a local area restaurant.
Mail from GMAU schools and evangelists.
Pompton Lakes, N.J. Mighty Warriors Evangelistic Ministriesdemonstration team, an outreach ministry of Calvary Church, underthe direction of John Porta, conducted a demonstration for over200 children at "Kids Ark" Children's School. The demonstrationincluded various aspects of martial arts training with a clearpresentation of the Gospel. Mighty Warriors also has a busy karateministry with home schools in Pompton Plains, New Jersey.
St. Johnsbury, VT. Christian Karate Plus, a ministryof Union Baptist Church, reports a current enrollment of over50 active students. They have had an opportunity to do more demonstrationslately, and have also held a weapons seminars.
Erie, IL. Dr. Stewart Jamison has seen some very excitingevents occur in his clubs in the last few months. Several blackbelt promotions have taken place (see news item on first page),including a 2nd dan for his 10-year-old daughter Sarah. In October,Dr. Jamison successfully tested for 4th dan black belt in theTae Kwon Do system of martial arts. Master Jamison currently hastwo schools in operation, one in Carthage, IL and the other inErie, IL.
Harrisburg, PA. Evangelist Stan Harris performed severaldemonstrations and preached at Ben Salem Patist Church in PhiladelphiaPA, where 23 received Christ. 25 received Christ and 44 youngpeople surrendered to full time Christian service in Williamstown,NJ. In Waukon Iowa, 39 people were saved at a youth rally. Evangelistand Mrs. Harris have just returned from Rata, Cadiz, Spain whereafter the demonstration and preaching, 21 were saved. AMEN! Pleasecontinue to uphold Dr. Harris and his family in your prayers.
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. Solid Impact Ministriesis an outreach & discipleship ministry of Grace CommunityChurch. Solid Impact is currently maintaining an enrollment ofapproximately 120 students in four classes. Solid Impact has hada number of demonstrations and participated in a number of tournamentsin the past three months. Sensei Hoffer and Sensei Lawson wereable to attend the GMAU Spring clinic in West Palm Beach duringMarch. Sensei Hoffer was also able to spend some time in Dallason business where he participated in a workout held by Mr. KiethYates, 8th Degree black Belt founder of the Soutwest Tae KwonDo Association. We have recently gotten word that Sensei DougHaralson, 2nd Dan from West Palm Beach Florida will be takinga full time job in Minneapolis/St. Paul when he graduates fromthe Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), and look forward tohis involvement in Solid Impact full time.
Sioux Falls, SD. EBT Karate Team is a ministry of EmpireBaptist Temple. The team is progressing very well with the presentstudents. Special Honors have been bestowed upon our instructors,as the Christian World Martial Arts Hall of Fame voted to inductJim Sickmeyer 3rd Dan, Frank Tottingham 4th Dan, and Ron TottinghamSoke, into this Hall of Fame.
West Palm Beach, FL. The team welcomes three newprovisional black belts to their ranks and congratulates SenseiLarry Phillips on receipt of his permanent black belt ranking.These new instructors will strengthen the program. This club currentlyoffers a children's class, an adult & family class and a demonstrationteam. With 81 registered members, the club remains very healthywith an excellent student-to-instructor ratio. They just finisheda study series on Christian Ki/Chi and a series on Soul-winningtechniques. They are currently studying about Gideon during thedevotional periods. This team is a ministry of Berean BaptistChurch and under the direction of Dr. Kent Haralson.
Rank Awards:
Larry Phillips - West Palm Beach, Fl - 1st Degree Black,Seigi Bushido Ryu
Christian Phillips - West Palm Beach, Fl - Provisional1st Degree Black, Seigi Bushido Ryu
Rick Merrel - West Palm Beach, Fl - Provisional 1st DegreeBlack, Seigi Bushido Ryu
Jim Hernandez - West Palm Beach, Fl - Provisional 1st DegreeBlack, Seigi Bushido Ryu
Instructor Promotions:
Larry Phillips - Florida - Dojo Sensei
Carrie Robertson - Maryland - Assistant Dojo Sensei
Dawn Ober - Vermont - Assistant Dojo Sensei
The GMAU has just published a new 13 page booklet studying Gideonfrom the perspective of the martial arts. It considers the conceptof an Old Testament Black Belt, the readiness of Gideon, the preparationof Gideon, the qualifications of a warrior, the use of your "mind"in battle, engaging the opponent and the perfect plan of conflict.If you are looking for good reading material for your studentsthat provides a Biblical foundation for the martial arts you shouldconsider purchasing a supply of these booklets. They are availablefrom the GMAU for just $3 (the cost is $2 each for bulk ordersof ten or more).
A famous Japanese adage states that "the way of the samuraiis death." Is that really the goal of the martial arts? Isit to prepared us to die? To be sure, you could argue that casefor the historical Oriental martial arts. Some less-ardent modernadherents would argue that it is a symbolic death we are preparingfor. They state it is really the death of the ego, pride and offeelings of self-importance. This is a noteworthy objective inthe martial arts.
Is this happening? Or are today's martial artists learning tobe more prideful, more smugly arrogant? You often hear martialartists use the familiar refrain, "It's hard to be humblewhen you are as great as I am." Are you really that great?Perhaps you can beat every one of your students in the ring. Itthat greatness? Perhaps you should ask yourself the question,"Can I beat up my own pride?"
Perhaps the goal of the martial arts should be to prepare us tolive. Jesus tells us that he is come that we "might havelife, and that [we] might have it more abundantly." Jesustells us that we are to "deny [ourselves], and take up [our]cross daily, and follow [Him]," if we want to experiencethat abundant life and fulfill our purpose for existence. Shouldnot our experience in the martial arts be the same. Should notour teaching encourage this in our students? Should not our martialarts classes be evangelistic and discipleship in their orientationwhile we discipline the bodies? Bruce Lee was the victor in manystreet fights. Ed Parker was a creative genius. Mas Oyama wasfamous for his raw power. Sang Kyu Shim was a gentle master whounderstood the way of the Oriental warrior. Yet all four fellhelpless before death. All their skill, training, strength, courageand meditation were no match for death.
Martial arts training should do more than simply help you protectyour life. It should do more than enhance your life. It shouldprepare you for death, but also for life. Does your school measureup?
Mr. Brant Bishop - Tae Kwon Do - Birmingham, AL
Mr. Jim Komoszewski - Tae Kwon Do - St. Paul, MN
Edgardo Carrasquillo - JuJitsu - Cidra, PR
Dawn Ober - Kenpo Karate JuJitsu - St. Johnsbury, VT
If you receive the Christian Parenting Magazine, perhaps you readabout the GMAU in their March/April issue. Co-authored by oneof our members, Sensei John Porta (7th degree black belt) of PomptonLakes, NJ, it gives parents advise regarding the martial arts.It places a very positive spin on the value of a martial artsprogram with a Biblical foundation and gives parents questionsto ask when seeking a school for their children. The GMAU is identifiedas a resource group and we have received several inquiries asa result of the article.
As a Christian, are you frustrated by those who argue that themartial arts is Oriental in origin and has no place in the church?Do you find yourself helpless for an answer? Perhaps you shouldconsider ordering our publication A Short History of the MartialArts. This booklet costs just $3 and will help you understandand present a Biblical origin for the martial arts.
Check out our full list of publications available to assist youin using the martial arts as ministry. There are titles on mosttopics within the Christian martial arts world. The full listof publications can be found underneath the mailing label on thisnewsletter.
Have your read The Way of the Warrior1, subtitled "The Paradoxof the Martial Arts" by Howard Reid and Michael Croucher?This is an excellent resource for your library. It is one of thefew secular books on the martial arts that provides a reasonablyaccurate (from a Christian point of view) history of the martialarts, citing Babylonian and Biblical events. They place the originin the Fertile Crescent and then stated that they "beganthe development that culminated in the sophisticated systems oftoday" in the Orient. While it omits Korea's contributionit provides extensive valuable information on India (also a rarityin martial arts books), China, Okinawa and Japan. There are manymaps, pictures, diagrams and illustrations to make this book easyto read and educationally valuable. They provide insight intothe "paradox of the martial arts" as the notion thatstudy of a lethal skill can lead to an increased spiritual enlightenment--- a fighting way to peace.
1 Published by The Overlook Press
All material published in the GMAU Journal is Copyrighted 1996 by the GMAU. Permission to use material found in thisGMAU Journal for non-profit purposes is granted as long as creditis given to the author and issue in which it appeared.
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