The College of Christian Martial Arts has now received inquiriesfrom prospective students in twenty-nine states and six foreigncountries. We have students enrolled in each of the degree programs.Have you been looking for the right place to pursue a collegedegree that is both Christian and focused on the martial arts?Our information packet containing college catalog and enrollmentmaterials is just $5 U.S.
- Make plans to attend the 10th Annual North Regional GMAU/SolidImpact/WMAF Clinic in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on August 5 &6, 1994. The Clinic will be held at the Park Inn InternationalHotel in downtown Minneapolis. Reduced room rates are available,but inquiries should be made through Ed or Scott at the numbersbelow. Clinic registration will be just $30 for the weekend. Toregister, or for more information, please call Ed at (612) 636-2864or Scott at (612) 224-6994.
- Mark your calendars for the 8th Annual South Regional GMAU clinicto be conducted in West Palm Beach, Florida on March 3 & 4,1995.
Shane Smith - 1st Degree Black - Tae Kwon Do - St. Paul, MNEddie Sellers - 3rd Degree Black - Shotokan - Philadelphia, MSChristian Phillips- 1st Level Brown - Tae Kwon Do - Wellington, FLRay Askew - 2nd Level Brown - Tae Kwon Do - Palm Beach Gardens, FLRick Merrell - Assistant Dojo Sensei - Seigi Bushi Do - West Palm Beach, FLJim Hernandez Jr - Assistant Dojo Sensei - Seigi Bushi Do - West Palm Beach, FLPhil Lewis - Master Instructor - Tora Karano Ryu - Brazil, South America
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is a full descriptionof a martial arts ministry in Vienna, Virginia. It is yet anotherexcellent example of how the martial arts can be creatively usedto reach people for Christ.
Who We Are
" strong in the Lord and in the power of hismight." Ephesians 6:10 (KJV)
The above Scripture serves as the motto as well as the heartand soul of this ministry founded in 1992 at Christian FellowshipChurch by Pastor Samuel Sierra. Our school's intent is to takethe traditional "rough" image of the martial arts andremold it into a method of outreach which glorifies God.
The "Kick Drugs" in our school's name provides anotherprimary emphasis of our curriculum: a Christian basis for approachingthe substance abuse problems found in our society today. WithBible-based Christian counseling, drug-prevention seminars, Scriptureteaching, and a focus on the power of prayer, we provide a settingin which young and old alike can find strength to fight today'sdrug epidemic which is tearing our families and thus our societyapart.
The exercise provided by the warm-ups, conditioning drills,movements, stretching, and other physical aspects of the programprovide the basis for developing a strong body. We are thus notonly tuning our lives with Christ and our minds with drug prevention,but our bodies with exercise.
Finally, and notice the emphasis here is last, we providea method in which Christians and non-Christians alike can learnbasic self-defense techniques. In the violent society in whichwe live, by learning a modicum of self-defense, we can learn howto avoid violence and learn about our vulnerability. When thereis no other choice except possible death, we can learn to protectourselves and our loved ones.
In summary, KDKS is dedicated to a 3-part self-defense program,based on the following tenets: Christ for the spirit, anti-drugeducation for the mind, and karate for the body.
Christianity and Karate
Can the martial arts, with its media image of violence, beutilized to teach Christian ideals? The resounding answer is YES!
There isn't much room in this writing to give a full explanationof why. In fact, there has been at least one doctoral thesis,authored by Dr. Kent Haralson, Ph.D., President of the GospelMartial Arts Union, written on the Scriptural basis for the martialarts.
But we can say, unlike the image portrayed by the media, amajor component of traditional martial arts is the avoidance ofviolence. Romans 12:18 states, "If it is possible, as faras it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." One ofthe first things we teach our students is to avoid or walk awayfrom any confrontation where there is any chance of violence.When you teach Christian character, that gives the student thewherewithal to avoid violence in any form.
Also, there is no room in our curriculum for the Eastern mysticismfound in "secular" martial arts programs. We teach theJesus of the Scriptures specifically to combat that particularimage.
As Galatians 5:22-23 states, "The fruit of the Spiritis love, joy peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,meekness, self control." In developing a true "FaithWarrior" or Christian martial artist, we attempt to nurturethese traits. Even in a world where rape and assault are prevalent,street gangs flourish, and serial killers are on the rise, manyare driven to pursue some form of "self-defense." However,the "ultimate" self-defense would have to be 100% effectiveagainst dangerous attacks and easy enough for any individual touse. No martial art, no matter how long it is studied, can providethat kind of protection and security; therefore, the "FaithWarrior," whether a Black Belt or not, must still trust Godfor protection and guidance in adverse circumstances.
Sensei: A Personal Profile
Any ministry, to be successful, must have a good leader. KDKSbelieves we have one of the best in Sensei (literally, "teacher"),Samuel Sierra, CFC Parish Pastor and dedicated minister of theGospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Sierra was born number 7 out of 11 children in 1951in the Dominican Republic but grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Asa young boy he endured the crime, drug dealers, and prostitutesthat were common in his neighborhood. Like many young boys inthat environment he joined a gang for comradery and protection.And, like many gang members, he learned to fight.
But learning to fight was not enough. As tough as he was,there came the time when he was challenged by someone tougher,suffering a severe beating at the hands of his challenger. Asif the physical pain weren't enough, the ignominy of being defeatedin front gang comrades and schoolmates was worse.
Thus, it wasn't strange at all when, in 1969, at age 17, hebecame captivated with the martial arts. At first Sam studiedKorean Tae-Kwon-Do. He later saw a demonstration of American/JapaneseGoju-Ryu Karate-do and "fell in love." Sam then trekkedmany miles back and forth from Brooklyn to Manhattan to learnGoju-Ryu from Sensei Peter Urban, a Black Belt Master in the U.S.A.Goju-Ryu Association. (Sensei Urban was himself the personal studentof Richard Kim, one short generation away from the great, world-renownedMas Oyama of Kyokushin Karate fame. Goju-Ryu remained relativelyunknown to most people in the United States until 1959, when SenseiUrban opened a Japanese Goju-Ryu school in New Jersey.)
Pastor Sierra was married in Brooklyn at a young age and hadthree children.
From Crisis to Christ
Even after being married at a young age and having three children,he still could not find inner peace.
Martial arts did not fill the inner need he felt.
In wealth, philosophy, and Eastern religions, Pastor Sierrafound only spiritual emptiness.
And then, with the influence of some karate cronies, he turnedto drugs. "It became easy for me to hide my pain throughthe use of heroin," said Pastor Sierra.
The consequence of his drug use was inevitable. He was separatedfrom his wife and children, lost his friends, and was forced tomove in with his mother, from whom he would pilfer money and householditems to turn into drug purchases.
Fortunately, the Christian upbringing by Godly parents hadnot deserted him. Finally, after stealing one of his mother'smost beloved articles to peddle in exchange for drug money, hesaid, "I can't continue robbing my mother...I cried out toGod to help me."
By the grace of God, Mr. Sierra entered "Teen Challenge,"a Christian drug rehabilitation center, and became a born-againChristian by receiving Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. "Myhabit and my sickness all disappeared," he said. He was laterreunited with his wife and children, and they moved to northernVirginia in 1990.
As a result of Mr. Sierra's personal history, he was ableto use his God-given gifts and abilities to become an ordainedminister and establish the KDKS. His aim was to teach childrenand adults to avoid his mistakes and develop spiritually intomature Christians via the mechanism of learning Goju-Ryu Karate-do.
A Short Lesson in Goju-Ryu
In Japanese, the name "Goju" comes from the "Kanji"(Chinese language calligraphy) where "Go" means "hardor strong" and "Ju" means "soft or gentle."(The "Ryu" means "style or system.")
The term "Goju" also comes from a line in an ancientChinese poem that says, "Everything in the universe is breathinghard and soft." (Needless to say, Goju puts primary emphasison breathing properly.) With this emphasis on "half-hard/half-soft"Goju teaches a person to distinguish between when to give in andwhen to stand up against others, when to talk and when to listen,when to act and when to wait, when to fight and, most importantly,when not to fight. This is done through self discipline, selfcontrol, humility, and respect for others. Goju develops powerand strength (hard) with speed and precision (soft). As the principlesof Goju are learned, the need for violence decreases, rather thanincreases. As such, it is perhaps a perfect complement to Christianity.
KDKS: Building Blocks for a Firm Foundation
The primary building block of the KDKS imparts "Christfor the Spirit." Each training class begins and ends withprayer and Bible teaching.
For belt promotions and spiritual development, students arerequired to memorize various Bible verses, write Bible study reports,attend periodic Christian-based seminars to increase their Spiritualgrowth, and, most importantly, prepare homework lessons on salvationthrough Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. All students are alsorequired to fill out, review, and abide by the KDKS informationpackage, which includes: Registration Form, Waiver of Liability,A Christian Commitment (article), Martial Arts for the Christian(essay), Goju-Ryu Karate-do General Ranking and Belt System, MartialArts Terms, Japanese Basic Numbers, Belt Color Symbolism, andDojo Etiquette and Code of Behavior (Dojo Rules).
The school serves students ranging from age 4 to senior adults.It meets 3 days per week at the church facilities. Sensei Sierraand his "Dai-Sensei" (Assistant Instructor) staff tryto develop love, discipline, and Christ-like character in studentswhile also working with their "special" needs and backgrounds.The staff works with such needs as:
Learning disabilities (LD)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
undisciplined behavior or attitudes
asthma and other medical conditions
motor-skills deficiencies
general physical unfitness
not to mention the substance abuse needs of those who arein the program to address those particular problems. (All studentswith medical conditions are required to obtain a physician's examinationand clearance prior to participation in the karate school.)
The staff also addresses single-parent children needing Christianrole models as well as adults needing prayer, encouragement andcounseling for everyday issues. (It is no accident, we believe,that Pastor Sierra has been called upon to play an important rolein the Pastor Prayer Partner's ministry.)
The second building block of the KDKS teaches "Anti-drugeducation for the mind." Every karate class provides freeanti-drug literature for students and parents. Periodically, SenseiSierra and/or the assistant instructors conduct "Drug EducationWorkshops," often with visiting guest speakers (e.g. policeofficers, county officials from drug programs, or ex-drug users.)
Students must attend a certain number of these workshops asa requirement for belt/rank promotion and to learn ways to avoidillegal drug use or how to recognize and respond to drug dealers.
The third building block of the KDKS provides "Karatefor the Body." As an excellent form of physical fitness training,karate develops flexibility, speed, coordination, strength andstamina.
Class Structure
Each karate class is 1 hour in length and includes the followingformat: Opening prayer and Bible teaching, "Junbi Undo"(warm up exercise), "Kihon" (basic forms exercises),"Kata" (basic/intermediate/advanced forms sequences),"Kumite" (supervised sparring with protective safetygear), and closing Bible review and prayer. For a 60-minute timeperiod, karate ranks second only to "running 12 mph"for calories burned in exercise. This ranks it over the followingactivities: jogging, swimming, cycling, racquetball, basketball,football, soccer, baseball, skiing, volleyball, tennis, golf,calisthenics, aerobics, gymnastics, weight-lifting, hiking canoeing,and dancing. Thomas J. Nardi, a psychologist and martial artist,states, "Karate training is a gross motor activity that helpsyoungsters develop a sense of integrity about their bodies. Balance,coordination, posture, and general movements improve with karatetraining."
Martial arts training also develops self confidence, discipline,self control, and heightened awareness to greatly enhance one'sself defense capability. Says the aforementioned Mr. Nardi, "Karateoffers an additional bonus that other sports do not provide. Karateteaches self defense. In the unsettling times in which we live,a knowledge of how to protect oneself can be crucial. Parentsoften report feeling more secure knowing their sons or daughtersare capable of defending themselves." The KDKS conducts "Self-defenseClinics" for local health clubs and police departments, and"Women's Self-defense Seminars" addressing rape/assault/theftprevention along with instruction and practice of self defensetechniques.
The KDKS provides other "extra benefits" for itsstudents, which include: education in Okinawan/Japanese cultureand karate history, education and warnings on the false teachingsof "cults or the occult," karate demonstrations forparents and the public, Christian Black Belt Association (CBBA)membership and belt/rank certification, CBBA-sponsored karatetournaments for fellowship and sport competition, and KDKS recognitionin local newspapers and cable television programs. Guest instructors,such as Dr. (of Divinity) Reidner, president and founder of theCBBA, also periodically are invited to present special seminarson self-defense.
KDKS: A Family Affair
As a ministry for the entire family, at KDKS it is not unusualfor multiple family members to be enrolled. As a family activity,many students have expressed their satisfaction with the school.As student Mr. Robert Pick states, "My son Joe and I havebenefitted a great deal from the Kick Drugs Karate School. Weenjoy the Christian teaching, the family-like atmosphere betweenthe students, and the disciplined training. This is a great parent-childactivity."
Another student, as well as assistant instructor, Sarah Wilsonproclaims, "As a woman, I was concerned about taking karate.But I have trained hard, and now I can break boards and betterdefend myself. My confidence, flexibility and overall fitnesshas definitely improved. I would also highly recommend that everywoman participate in the Women's Self-defense Seminars conductedby the karate school."
KDKS: The Training of a Faith Warrior
Lamentations 3:40 directs the Christian's path, "Letus examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."Just as the ancient Japanese men trained in "Bujutsu or Budo"(martial philosophy and weapons) and "Kenjutsu" (swordsmanship)to become a "Samurai Warrior," the KDKS teaches Biblicalprinciples and karate to its students to develop individual "integrity"in becoming a "Faith Warrior." (As Proverbs 20:7 states,"A just man walketh in his integrity.")
The Kick Drugs Karate School welcomes anyone interested indeveloping Christ for the Spirit, anti-drug education for themind, and Goju-Ryu Karate-do for the body, as a means to growpersonally and glorify God in the process.
Inquiries Concerning the KDKS can be sent directly to pastorSamuel Sierra at the Christian Fellowship Church, 10237 LeesburgPike - Vienna, Va. 22182.
"Thank you for providing such a needed service. It's greatto have you here to help me with my arts and growth in the Lord."
FB, California
"I have separated myself from the 'world' organizations andappreciate having a true Christian organization through whichto further my training and advancement."
KJ, Arizona
"I have been in the martial arts for 26 years and with yourhelp plan to start a school at my church."
JB, Illinois
"I am planning to open a dojo where Ju Jutsu can be taughtwith a Christian view."
EC, Puerto Rico
"I have been seeking a fellowship of other Christian MartialArtists."
JG, Ohio
"I want to start a Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do school with aChristian foundation in my church."
TT, Michigan
"I have wanted to be a part of a Christian Martial Associationfor a long time."
LA, Texas
"I believe that there will be much interest in the GMAU herein Mississippi."
ES, Mississippi
"I've read your book The Martial Arts: A Christian Perspective, and it's great."
SB, Wyoming
Mrs. Sheryl Rainfrette has been a member of the Board of Governorssince the fall of 1993. She brings to the GMAU an excellent children'sperspective and medical experience. With over seven years experiencein the martial arts, Sensei Rainfrette has focused on the teachingand development of children. She has her own children's dojo inWest Palm Beach, Florida.
A graduate of the Albert Einstein School of Nursing and with aBSN degree, she has used her nursing in hospitals, as a visitingnurse, and for social programs. She is currently completing therequirements for a degree in Business Administration with St.Joseph's College. She is a licensed rehabilitation specialistand a licensed medical consultant.
She has earned her second-degree black belt in Seigi Bushido Ryuand also holds a second-degree in Tae Kwon Do.
It is imperative for martial arts teachers to stay on the cuttingedge of their profession. For the Christian, the martial artsis a ministry and this requires an even stronger dedication. TheGMAU makes available a variety of good publications, books andbooklets. These are both philosophical, informational and practicalbased upon your needs. Ever have a student approach you with thename of a system of which you've never heard? Order our Ryus ofthe World publication and you will have the names and foundersof 365 systems at your finger tips. Need to understand what "ki"is from a Christian perspective? Just what is a Christian "sensei"?Worried about the legal aspects of the martial arts? Does theOld Testament validate the practice of the martial arts? We havematerial that will help you in your ministry. Check the back panelof this issue and order something today.
St. Johnsbury, VT. Christian Karate Plus is rolling rightalong with active membership in the 50s. The Lord has been working,in that we have seen both new believers come into the fold, aswell as spiritual growth in our Christian students. ChristianKarate Plus has done some demonstrations, and recently took 8competitors to a tournament, bringing home 9 trophies in kataand sparring. The club now has several green and blue belts whichis a great advantage to the depth of the team. There have alsobeen blue, brown and black belts join the program. Christian KaratePlus is under the leadership of Sensei Stephen Jones.
Rawlins, WY. WSP Self Defense Systems reports the followingpromotions: Steve Parson - Basic Level 1, Gold/8th Gup, SteveJohnson - Basic Level 1, Gold/8th Gup. Sensei Baily is expandinginstruction in Kyusho-Jitsu and recently cross-ranked to 3rd Danin Jiyu-Ryu. Sensei Baily requests prayers for WSP Self DefenseSystems as they are under attack by certain factions of the prisonadministration where the ministry is held. WSP Self Defense Systemsis under the sponsorship of Chaplin Wendell Rogers of the Rockof Ages Ministry.
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. Solid Impact Ministries is anoutreach & discipleship ministry of Grace Community Church.Solid Impact is currently maintaining an enrollment of approximately100 students in four classes. The Solid Impact Demo Team has beenbusy with demonstrations in and around the Twin Cities area, aswell as a Drug Free program to 700 kids in Manchester, IA. Thedemo team has 3 more demonstrations planned for this summer. Pleasepray that the Lord would prepare the hearts and minds of the audiencesto hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Solid Impact will be hostingthe 10th Annual North Regional GMAU clinic in August.
Sioux Falls, SD. Dr. Ron Tottingham reports that theirteam is having a great summer & good attendance. Their teammeets on Saturday afternoons during the summer. Their assistantinstructor, 1st Dan Vincent Swenson leaves in July for his 2 yearswith the U.S. Army. Frank Tottingham, 4th Dan will be rejoiningthe team after a six month stay in Australia and after gettingmarried. There will also be a full scale Baptist Karate Leagueclinic and testing session scheduled for late August.
West Palm Beach, FL. West Palm Beach, FL. The Gospel MartialArts team reports and enrollment of 83 students. They just recentlyexpanded their program with the addition a Demo Team. This team,under the direction of black belt Steve Walker consists of upperbelts from the class. In the past two months, they have put ontwo shows resulting in five people from the audience acceptingChrist as Savior. The class now has eight certified instructors.In May, we also hosted a very successful mini-clinic with ProfessorPhil Lewis of the Tora Karano Ryu system. These teams are ministriesof Berean Baptist Church and under the direction of Dr. Kent Haralson.
Our Chairman, Dr. Haralson, has received several notes and phonecalls the past couple of months asking us to consider the developmentof a Christian Head of Family Council. This council would comprisemen and women who were the founders or the head of unique stylesand systems that were Christian by design and practice. The concernsraised were that the world was experiencing a myriad of "Christian"organizations and that if we were not careful, we could becomeour own worst enemies. If we do not police ourselves and providesome self-disciplined integrity, we could sour our testimony andbring dishonor to our God. The undertaking of such a task wouldnot be easy and would require tremendous cooperation amongst avariety of individuals (unity in the body and yet diversity).The GMAU would like to know your thoughts. Drop us a letter thisweek.
OBE is a big buzz-word in academic circles today. I believe init, but not the same way that secular academia believes in it.Our successful martial arts students will move through three phases,(1) not knowing something to (2) knowing it but not practicingit to (3) knowing it so well they practice it regularly. No teacherdeserves the title of "sensei/sifu" if they are satisfiedto leave a student for long in stage two. Deep down, we all knowthat teaching involves much more than basics. A martial arts schoolthat doesn't involve passing on our deepest values and our ultimatestandards is not a school at all.
In his last letter, John said, "I have no greater joy thanto hear that my children walk in truth." Another translationrenders the word "hear" as "know". In theGreek, the word "hear" carries with it the concept of"understanding." The truth in God's economy of thingsis like so many other things that are of immense value. Sit onit, and you'll lose it. The truth was never meant to be known.God gives us his truth so we may walk in it and exerciseit. That's always when you discover truth's real glory.
Are you teaching your students in the "way?" Are youhelping them to "walk in it?" There really is no greaterjoy.
Have you read Teaching - The Way of the Master1, by SangH. Kim? This excellent paperback book is a must for every instructor.In the preface the author states that, "Teaching martialarts is literally indicating the way for students.... Teachinghappens through you, not by you" (emphasis mine). In this136 page book you will find a plethora of outlines, ideas andchecklists of ways to improve your teaching effectiveness. Thisbook is not only philosophical in nature, but also very practical.It is for the instructor who wishes to teach the "way"and not just a skill.
1 Published by Turtle Press
All material published in the GMAU Journal is Copyrighted 1996 by the GMAU. Permission to use material found in thisGMAU Journal for non-profit purposes is granted as long as creditis given to the author and issue in which it appeared.
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