West Palm Beach, FL - Mark your calendarfor the 8th annual clinic to be conducted in West Palm Beach,Florida on March 3 & 4, 1995. There will be black belt examinations,over twenty workshops, demonstrations and a banquet as a partof this weekend.
Minneapolis, MN - The 1st Annual Solid Impact MartialArts Clinic is now history. Praise the Lord for over 20 decisionsto accept Christ which were made at the weekend's closing banquet.Over a dozen black belt instructors helped teach 19 differentsessions over the two day clinic held in the Park Inn Internationalin downtown Minneapolis, MN.
Plan on the weekend of August 4th & 5th, 1995 for the 2ndAnnual Solid Impact Martial Arts Clinic! You can call (612) 224-6994for more information.
It is encouraging to see the work of some of our GMAU membersbeing published in other periodicals. Our editor Scott Hofferhad an extensive article on the "Christian Perspective onKi/Chi" published in the summer issue of The Christian Martial Artist. Sensei RayAskew of West Palm Beach, Florida had an articletitled the "Philosophy of Fighting" published in the8th edition of the Karate Star, a magazine published inIndia. We congratulate these men.
Ray Askew - Assistant Dojo Sensei
Seigi Bushi Do - West Palm Beach, FL
Butch Drennan - 3rd Degree Black Shotokan - West Pelzer,SC
Jim Komoszewski - 1st Degree Black Tae Kwon Do - St. Paul,MN
Sara Lawson -2nd Degree Blk (Cand.)
Tae Kwon Do - Winona, MN
Owen Workman - Dojo Sensei
Tae Kwon Do - Decatur, AL
The art of KIAI is largely lost by western practitioners ofthe martial arts. Holy Scripture gives us an insight to how powerfulthe voice can be. In order to understand it, we must first delveinto cosmology.
Modern science has taught us many wonderful things about thepre-flood world. When comparing recent studies, laboratory workand computer models with the Bible, the following facts are established(according to work of a team of creationist-science scholars associatedwith the Creation Evidences Museum in Glen Rose, Texas):
1. The "firmament" set by God around the earth to"divide the waters" was suspended eleven miles abovethe earth's surface and held in place by an electromagnetic fieldat least 6 times greater than the one surrounding the planet today.
2. This "firmament" had the following characteristics:
a. It could transfer energy (light energy was easily transferredto the planet).
b. It was crystalline (clear and solid in nature).
c. It was ferro-magnetic (able to hold the original forceof earth's optimum electromagnetic field intact).
d. It was fiber-optic (ultraviolet waves filtered out completely).
e. It was superconductive (thus, as it reacted with the dipolemagnetic field of earth, it levitated and remained suspended elevenmiles high).
f. It glowed pink (when man looked at it, his glandular systemproduced norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter and stress reliever,thus creating a calming effect).
3. Ancient bubbles of air trapped in amber revealed a pre-floodatmosphere containing 30% oxygen instead of the current 16%-19%in today's air.
4. The atmospheric pressure was twice what it is today.
These and other facts depict an amazing pre-flood environmentconducive to a perfect world for man to inhabit. The superconductivefirmament adjacent to the electromagnetic field of that day createda "photo-multiplier". In other words, the stars wereseen in their actual colors so that when Adam looked up at nighthe was sleeping under a Christmas tree! This effect also helpedman know exactly where he was and what time of day it was, andthe radio signals from the stars could be "felt" dueto the ferric material in man's body. Essentially, man's bodywas a compass, clock and radio receiver and he could actuallyhear the musical tones as the stars "sang together."
What happened to this wonderful world God created for man?The sin of man invoked a response from God. According to Dr. CarlBaugh, this response was a shout from the Almighty.
The core of the earth essentially is like a nuclear reactor- it produces heat. In the pre-flood world it served to gentlyheat the "foundations of the deep." The hydrologic cycleof that day included a daily mist to water the plus vegetation,and freshwater rivers flowed into the seas which, in turn, replenishedthe subterranean fountains of waters.
It could have gone on this way forever except for the responseof God upon man's almost-univeral sin. Psalm 46:6 says, "Heraised His voice, the earth melted."
A voice is literally a vibration which produces energy. Inthis sense, microwave energy is similar to voice energy. Microwaveenergy is produced when the rate of vibration reaches 2 1/2 billionvibrations per second.
A recent laboratory experiment was conducted by placing anegg in a microwave oven and subjecting it to high-level microwaveenergy. As a high-speed camera recorded, a small hole burst openin the egg which produced cracking at a high rate of speed inevery direction on the surface of the egg shell. Then the shellliterally exploded.
Is this what happened to the firmament? Creationist scientiststhink so. The raising of God's voice could conceivably have causeda vibration on the surface of the pre-flood world. Like the egg,one particular area could have exploded open momentarily, sendinggreat amounts of heat and steam streaming upward for more than50 miles as the fountains of the deep broke open. The force ofthat jetstream of hot water would have knocked a hole in the firmament,thus disrupting its delicate balance. Literally "the windowsof heaven" would have opened up at the rate of 2 1/2 milesper second. This bubble of frozen water would have begun collapsingand raining down on planet earth, except at the poles, where itwould have fallen more quickly in a frozen state. The results?A diminishing electromagnetic field which has been proven to belosing half its force every 1,400 years. A dramatic decrease inatmospheric pressure - thus causing violent weather systems andunstable fronts. The introduction of ultraviolet rays to the planet'ssurface. The breaking up of earth's land mass into continents.And the list goes on.
Is there proof of such a hole blowing open on planet earth?Surely there would be a significant scar on the surface. Actually,there is such a scar. Between the continents, deep below the surfaceof the Atlantic Ocean, is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge - a 46,000 milelong mountain range that looks like a giant scar. Bible-believingscientists say that's the scar caused by the Voice of God.
Many times in a match between martial artists, an effectiveKIAI from one fighter startles the other just a millisecond -just long enough for the advantage to be gained. Did your masterever make you yell at a candle until you put it out? Or screamat a jar of water and watch it ripple?
Why not begin working on that KIAI, and think of the energyit can produce!
About the Author: Dr. Owens is pastor of First BaptistChurch of Saks in Anniston, AL, and an 8th Degree Black Belt inTae Kwon Do. He holds a BS and MBA from Jacksonville State University,and an MDiv and DMin from Luter Rice Seminary. Dr. Owens is theHead Founder of Keedok Kyo Tae Kwon Do.
Martial artists who are Christians are a different breed ofcat in many ways because of the One about whom our lives center,and because Christ changes us in so many ways. In view of this,we are going to have to make a deliberate effort in certain areasof life to leave a more distinct impact on several issues of ourown time.
One reason for this is that we in the West are so independence-minded;what you and I would call our "different testimony"as Christians is written off by many as just our personal wayof looking at life. Moreover, there are areas of thought and practicein which we have to force a change in our views or do a much betterjob at something. And it's going to take some effort, for we arealso men and women of our times. I call this "Doing it thehard way."
Avoid use of the word "victim" and the idea thatyou are a victim. The newest cottage industry in our landis victimology; you'd think that nobody ever experienced any hardknocks in life before now. In fact, few of us are victims. Godhas taught for ages that actions and thoughts have consequences,and when we make choices, we take on the "comebacks"as well. Certainly, many of these are unpleasant to deal with.So, that's life...the way Adam lived it...the way Ruth lived it...theway Paul lived it. A cardinal principle of self defense is this:"Think of yourself as a victim, and you'll act like one."So don't!
Build a mental conception of yourself which does not centeron your rights. The Lord of Heaven made clear long ago thatwe are owed nothing; we deserve destruction, but He granted usmercy. Everything which follows after that in faith and societyis a gift or a responsibility. Our national whining is drowningout any sounds of courageous men and women as we demand freedomfrom inconvenience, insults, injustice and all those other thingswhich once made up ordinary life. We Christians who are martialartists take an effective swipe at selfishness when we choosenot to focus on "my rights." The skilled artist trainsto serve, not receive.
Choose to do some things the hard way just to stay in practice.I don't mean that we should search for imaginative new waysto make our lives miserable. But we need to fight the urge tomake everything as easy as possible; after all, several generationsof ease have brought us to our present when we sue those who keepus from having our way in the smallest of matters. "Doingit the hard way" is one means of keeping your life's bladesharp.
Develop a toughness in life. Please understand, nota hardness but a toughness. In Tang Soo Do we express this asthe attitude of the indomitable spirit. Permit your children toexperience hardship when you can; if you relieve them of painand every injustice now while they are learning and while youcan comfort and reassure them, life will flog them to death oncethey are out from under your protection.
Take responsibility for who you are, your actions and yourreactions. The vast majority of events affecting us are notsomeone else's fault. Some are consequences of our choices...solet's be straight with our Lord and own up to them. Some are astew of other people's choices, deeds, and consequences, all propelledby the business of each day. And at any point this mass intersectswith our lives. We must return to the recognition we once hadthat much of what we experience in life is simply the way lifeis. Jesus Christ is not nearly so concerned with how badly someoneelse may have treated us as He is with how we choose to reactand why.
Let's cease trying to fix blame for what offends us andconcentrate instead on, "What must I do to solve this problem?"Westerners are consumed with determining liability; Orientalsspend virtually no time with this but direct their energy to overcomingproblems. Making this determination part of my lifestyle produceda marked decrease in my self-centered attitude and an increasein challenge resolution. Paul was referring in part to this issuewhen he urged us to get our minds and our bodies under controland force them to take orders for the sake of Christ.
Don't ask for special treatment unless it's clearly advertisedby the giver. Too often Christians assume a position of dishonorby asking that others bend their rules, that we not have to payas much, or that we get special consideration. Our impact forChrist depends not at all on our ability to cut the best deal;rather, we shine brightest in His cause when we approach everyoneand everything with the attitude, "Aha, so your requirementsare...your price is... Okay, let's get to work and make it happen!"
Above all else, when we make a promise, do it! Keepit! The Lord God expressed this best in Ecclesiastes 5:4-7. Makea promise...any promise...but keep it. Or do not make it at all.We will stand in stark contrast to our present society where commitmentsare meaningless. If we cannot deliver on a promise, then we shouldcontact the other person to explain why. We have no justificationfor making commitments we know we will not keep or in order tobreak off an unpleasant conversation.
And as we learn the value of doing some things the hard way,let's all keep the Son in our eyes.
What is truth? This is a question that everyone is faced with.It affects us mentally, physically and spiritually. So what istruth? Truth is that which agrees with the final reality (Webster).
Interestingly enough, the same principles that apply to usspiritually also apply to us mentally and physically. While almostall, if not all, martial arts claim to be the path to spiritualenlightenment. In a truly Christ-centered martial art, we KNOWthis to be true: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, thetruth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me."(John 14:6). In John 8:32, Jesus said of Himself, "For yeshall KNOW the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
The key to this lesson is the word KNOW. To know is to haveknowledge of, to be certain of, and to be experienced in (Webster).This is not just to have information about, or to know of something.But to have a close personal knowledge. In Genesis 4:1 we read,"And Adam knew Eve and she conceived," indicating anintimate, personal knowledge.
Mentally, "For if a man thinketh himself to be somethingwhen he is not, he is deceitful above all things and desperatelywicked. Who can know it?" Galatians 6:3. It is most dangerousto think yourself better than what you are. It is an offshootof pride, that deludes you by making you think that you have the"heart knowledge," when all you actually have is a false,self-confident head knowledge. Don't know "of" something- get the firsthand experience that allows you the more intimaterelationship. For such as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
An interesting example of this is David. He would not useSaul's weapons because he was not experience in their use. Davidchose his weapon - the sling and staff in which he was proficient.Also note that he did not take just one stone. He took a fullclip - five stones! He was a warrior prepared to be used of God,knowing and trusting in the power of God.
Physically, it is as important to know your limitations, asit is to know your capabilities. Here again the key is to KNOW.You cannot watch or practice something a few times and expectit to work in a panic situation. A technique or one step mustbe practiced until it is a reflex action or a habit before youreally KNOW it. This brings us to the reality of sparring. Sparringis not fighting, nor is it self defense. It is an exercise intiming and distance. Some contact training is essential, as aregrappling and ground control techniques. Much realistic practicemakes for genuine self-confidence, something you really KNOW.
Now I challenge you to look at yourself honestly and openlyin each of these areas: mental, physical, and Spiritual.
Delray Beach, FL. Pastor Michael McClure reports that Menof Valour Ministries, in conjunction with the West Park BaptistChurch of Delray Beach, conducted the eleventh consecutive yearof Summer Day Camp. More than 200 children ages 5-13 attendedthe camp, and all of them received martial arts training and aclear presentation of the Gospel. Many trusted the Lord as Saviorand made other spiritual decisions. The ministry would also liketo note these recent ranking promotions in Chuan Chen:
Preston Bean - 10th level White Sash
Nicole Bean - 10th level White Sash
Mark Rose - 6th level Green Sash
Amanda McClure - 6th level Green Sash
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. Solid Impact Ministries is anoutreach & discipleship ministry of Grace Community Church.Solid Impact is currently maintaining an enrollment of approximately100 students in four classes. The Solid Impact Demo Team has keptbusy all summer with demonstrations to christian camps and otheractivities. The demo team has 2 demonstrations planned for thisfall. Please pray that the Lord would prepare the hearts and mindsof the audiences to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. SolidImpact's Lake Elmo location moved to Stillwater, MN (3 miles NW)on the 4th of September. This new location will avail that classof a much greater demographic opportunity, please pray for thisnew opportunity.
Sioux Falls, SD. The EBT Karate Team is in full swing aftera good summer, according to Dr. Ron Tottingham, and experiencedgood attendance all summer. Since July, Frank Tottingham, 4thdegree Black and Soke successor to the J.E. Budo System, and JimSickmeyer, 3rd degree Black, have both been teaching a full house.The team meets three times weekly. Recently, Vince Swenson, 1stdegree Black, entered the U.S. Army for 2 years and is now atFort Benning, GA. EBT Karate Team is a ministry of Empire BaptistTemple.
West Palm Beach, FL. The Gospel Martial Arts team reportsand enrollment of 87 students from 61 families. In the past coupleof months, they have rejoiced in the salvation of two of theirmembers. Dr. Haralson had the joy of baptizing two other members.In October, all of the instructors for the team will undergo afull day of first aid and CPR training to receive their AmericanRed Cross certification. This will not only increase the safetyof the overall team operation, but better equip the sensei ofthe clubs. There are currently three team as a part of this ministrywhich are operated under the authority of Berean Baptist Church.
It is imperative for martial arts teachers to stay on the cuttingedge of their profession. For the Christian, the martial artsis a ministry and this requires an even stronger dedication. TheGMAU makes available a variety of good publications, books andbooklets. These are both philosophical, informational and practicalbased upon your needs. Ever have a student approach you with thename of a system of which you've never heard? Order our Ryus ofthe World publication and you will have the names and foundersof 365 systems at your finger tips. Need to understand what "ki"is from a Christian perspective? Just what is a Christian "sensei"?Worried about the legal aspects of the martial arts? Does theOld Testament validate the practice of the martial arts? We havematerial that will help you in your ministry. Check the back panelof this issue and order something today.
The GMAU would like to welcome the addition of the following membersto the GMAU membership list:
Edward Jacobson, Tang Soo Do - Republic of South AfricaMarcashe Chijiago, Tae Kwon Do - Lagos, NigeriaMichael Ligboko, Tae Kwon Do - Lagos, NigeriaJohn Himes, Kung Fu - JapanFrank Bachara, Kenpo Karate - California City, CaliforniaJames Scott, Tae Kwon Do - Lodi, CaliforniaTerry Burt, Shorin Ryu - Phoenix, ArizonaLarry Nunnally, Tae Kwon Do - Thomasville, GeorgiaJose Santos, Ching Sai Do - Buda, Texas
Pastor Mike McClure has been a board member for over a year knowand brings not only a strong theological background to the GMAU,but also a knowledge of the "soft" arts. He attendedTennessee Temple University for several years and is a graduateof Pensacola Christian College. With experience as a teacher anda youth pastor, he was called as the Senior Pastor of West ParkBaptist Church, in Delray Beach, FL in 1984.
He has twenty-one years of experience in the martial arts, startingwith Tae Kwon Do, but then focusing upon the soft arts of PaiLum Kung Fu, Judo, Go Ju Kai. He has also studied Kenpo Karateand Shotokan. In 1981, Sifu McClure founded the Men of ValourMinistries and a missionary and evangelistic association of themartial arts. This team has conducted scores of demonstrationsand summer training camps throughout the Southeast. Sifu McClureis currently ranks as a second degree black sash in Chuan ChenKung Fu and is the lead instructor of Men of Valour school whichis a ministry of the church of which he is pastor.
"...very interested in your organization....",
BG, Texas
"I have been looking for some time for a Christian organization...remainingtrue to Biblical teachings.",
TM, Alabama
"I found your article (Ki/Chi) to be very insightful andwell researched",
BK, Texas
"...planning to open a studio... looking for organizationwhich supports Christian morals and beliefs."
GN, Virginia
"I have read your work and would like to be a member.",
AG, Egypt
"I really enjoy reading the materials from the GMAU."
Chaplain CF,
"...the GMAU is an answer to prayer...",
JS, California
- - Kent Haralson, Ph.D, D.Min
Some time ago, I read an interview with Justice Clarence Thomas,published in the December 11, 1993 issue of World magazine. JudgeThomas made several excellent observations under the title of"Rights and Responsibilities" that would be good forwe Christian martial artists to ponder. Judge Thomas stated that"popularity is of no moment with me. Popularity has no relationto rightness." He credited his grandfather with impartinglessons on "the other side of freedom," the "dutiesand obligations that make freedom possible." He lamentedthat today, "we hear much about rights but little about responsibilitiesand consequences." Without work, Thomas said, "we cannotexpect rewards." He was critical of our current "eraof self-gratification."
We can use his thought in two areas. First, we are all aware ofthe pressure placed upon us as instructors by students and parentsalike to see their children "advance" in rank. If wesoften the requirements or too quickly promote students for thesake of appeasing others or for the almighty dollar, we do ourselvesand the martial arts a disservice. Second, we as instructors canget to the point where we enjoy the rights of position and power,but let us also remember the duties of that position. The needto be the right role model. The obligation to insist upon spiritual,mental and physical balance in our own lives as well as thoseGod has placed under our watch-care.
Have you read The Original Martial Arts Encyclopedia1 byJohn Corcoran and Emil Farkas with Stuart Sobel? This book isa wealth of information. In over 400 pages, it discusses the tradition,history, and pioneers of the martial arts from around the world.Every major secular martial art is discussed in great detail.If you desire to understand a secular view of the martial artsand grasp the linkage to the Orient, this is a must-have additionto your library.
1 Published by Pro-Action Publishing
All material published in the GMAU Journal is Copyrighted 1996 by the GMAU. Permission to use material found in thisGMAU Journal for non-profit purposes is granted as long as creditis given to the author and issue in which it appeared.
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