Upon affixing my signature to this document, I do hereby accept membership within the Christian Martial Arts Fellowship (CMAF) and will be faithful in upholding the Biblical principles and ideals of the CMAF. In so doing I agree wholeheartedly with the following:

I believe in the existence of the Triune Godhead; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory, yet one in being, and that Jesus Christ is the incarnate Virgin born, sinless Son of God (God the Son), and His shed blood is the only atonement for sin. I believe in the literal Genesis accounts of the creation and fall of man, and oppose any form of evolutionary teaching. I believe in the verbal-plenary inspiration of the Old and New Testaments, as the actual Word of God; that they constitute the final authority for faith and practice for the Christian. I believe in salvation through personal faith in the shed Blood of Christ and the regeneration of man by the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe in the existence of Satan, who is a real, distinct, and definite personality, and in the existence of fallen spirits who oppose God's work and purpose. I believe in the natural depravity of the human heart, because of the sin of Adam and subsequent fall of man, and the need of each person to be changed through the new birth. I believe in the existence of heaven, where the righteous shall dwell with God for eternity. We also believe in the existence of a literal hell, or lake of fire, into which the lost shall suffer all eternity. I believe in the visible, actual, bodily return of Jesus Christ to this earth. I believe that the bodily resurrection of the Saints of this present age, who will be caught up to meet Christ in the clouds before that great and terrible day of the Lord, will begin a series of climatic events "such as not known before," consummating this present age, opening the millennium, and final judgments. I believe that the born-again child of God is to live a holy life, separated from the things of this world which would hinder his spiritual life and his testimony before others. I believe that the church is the body of a truly born-again believers. I believe that every born-again Saint is commanded to be an active participating member of such a local church. I have had a definite personal experience of salvation by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and I am willing and able to testify of that experience.

Furthermore, I hereby dedicate my life to glorifying the Heavenly Father, and whole-heartedly submit myself to the will of Christ allowing Him to rule my life and will consecrated myself to a lead Holy and sanctified life on Earth.



A Commitment to Biblical Conflict Resolution As people reconciled to God by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we believe that we are called to respond to conflict in a way that is remarkably different from the way the world deals with conflict. We also believe that conflict provides opportunities to glorify God, serve other people, and grow to be like Christ. Therefore, in response to God's love and in reliance on His grace, we commit ourselves to respond to conflict according to the following principles:

GLORIFY GOD Instead of focusing on our own desires or dwelling on what others may do, we will seek to please and honor God-- by depending on His wisdom, power, and love; by faithfully obeying His commands; and by seeking to maintain a loving, merciful, and forgiving attitude.

GET THE LOG OUT OF YOUR OWN EYE Instead of attacking others or dwelling on their wrongs, we will take responsibility for our own contribution to conflicts-- confessing our sins, asking God to help us change any attitudes and habits that lead to conflict, and seeking to repair any harm we have caused.

GO AND IN LOVING KINDNESS SHOW YOUR BROTHER HIS FAULT Instead of pretending that conflict doesn't exist or talking about others behind their backs, we will choose to overlook minor offenses, or we will talk directly and graciously with those whose offenses seem too serious to overlook. When a conflict with another Christian cannot be resolved in private, we will ask for support from the College Park Church leadership staff to help us settle the matter in a biblical manner.

GO AND BE RECONCILED Instead of accepting premature compromise or allowing relationships to wither, we will actively pursue genuine peace and reconciliation--forgiving others as God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven us, and seeking just and mutually beneficial solutions to our differences. By God's grace, we will apply these principles as a matter of stewardship, realizing that conflict is an opportunity, not an accident. We will remember that success, in God's eyes, is not a matter of specific results but of faithful, dependent obedience. And we will pray that our service as peacemakers brings praise to our Lord and leads others to know His infinite love.


Approval of Director__________________________________________________Date________________


SIGNATURE AND DATE_____________________________________________ Date________________


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